Sunday, June 28, 2009

One-Day Retreat: Loving Kindness (Metta)

The Power of Loving Kindness

The practice of Metta

A one-day retreat with Spring Washam
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2009
Time: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

East Bay Meditation Center
2147 Broadway @ 22nd St., Oakland
(near 19th Street BART)

All are welcome to participate in this special one-day retreat of Metta (Loving Kindness) practice. Metta reunites us with what it means to be alive and free. It is a commitment to our own happiness, seeing our happiness as the basis for connection with all of life. The practice fills us with joy and love as well as heals all the hurt places in our hearts. This retreat will include periods of silent meditation, instruction in the Metta practice, talks on the theme of the day, sacred music and group discussion. This will be a beautiful retreat that you don't want to miss!

Registration is required and space is limited!
To Register: Please click on the following link:

If that does not work, copy or type the URL into your web browser. If that still does not work, please send an e-mail with your full name and "The Power of Loving Kindness" in the subject line to or call (510)268-0696.

Cost: There is no registration fee for attending this event, nor most EBMC events.

However, EBMC is not independently funded.

The Center and the teachers will be sustained only by your voluntary donations (the practice of generous giving, or "dana"). Please donate generously, in proportion to your ability:

* Either online (you will be offered an opportunity at the end of the online registration process)
* Or at the event, in the two baskets at EBMC, one for the Center, the second for the Teacher

Thank you for your generosity. Giving together, our unique, diverse Center will grow and thrive!

Spring Washam is a meditation teacher and founding member of the East Bay Meditation Center. She has practiced and studied meditation since 1997 with many renowned teachers and is known for her joyful heart and loving spirit. Spring is a Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader and is in teacher training with Jack Kornfield at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She currently teaches classes, workshops, and retreats throughout the U.S.

In order to protect the health of community members with environmental illness, please do not wear fragranced products (including "natural" fragrances) or clothes laundered in fragranced products to EBMC.

EBMC is wheelchair accessible.

Phenomenal Swag: September 7th's 'Lakers 2009' mixtape

Phenomenal Swag: September 7th's 'Lakers 2009' mixtape

By Trey Kerby

Trey Kerby of The Blowtorch searches high and low across the Internet for NBA-related goods you never knew you needed. You know, phenomenal swag. Email Ball Don't Lie any relevant products you find here.

Do you want to know the fastest way to get posted on Phenomenal Swag? Create a free mixtape about an NBA team and give it a Pen & Pixel-ish cover. Las Vegas DJ September 7th understands this. He gets it. I mean, Skeets and I didn't even have to debate the inclusion of his most recent offering — the Lakers 2009 World Champions Mixtape. Boom! Download Here!

I haven't even had a chance to listen to this yet because I wanted you guys to hear it as quickly as possible. Where else are you going to find such classics as Lil' Wayne's "Kobe Bryant" and Randy Newman's "I Love L.A." on the same record? Not to mention songs by Flo-Z, K-Boy, and Mr. Capone-E who I assume are actual rappers.

The sheer amount of Lakers songs that exist is truly stunning, and I personally guarantee that they're all top quality. Expect a glowing review of this instant classic early next week on Passion of the Weiss, America's premier in-depth hip-hop criticism/Lakers fansite.

In The Meantime PRE-PRIDE Celebration and Community Forum: An L.A. Tradition!

In The Meantime will host its annual PRE- PRIDE Celebration and Community Forum on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at our regular meeting space, 4067 W. Pico Blvd., LA CA 90019, (Secured Parking at the Catch One).

The Home Team Reception (Not the Official Opening ATLA Pride Reception) will take place next door at the Village Vegan Restaurant, with a no host bar, DJ and dancing, and a buffet prepared of the Village specialties, and peach cobbler.

Opening Ceremony:

Location: (Village Health Foundation Community Room)

* 7:30p.m.7:45p.m. Libation/ Welcome to Pride: Kamimo, Jeffrey King
* 7:30- 8:15p.m.Panel Presentation

(Ivan, Valerie Spencer, Rev. Jennene Macklin, Wendell Carmichael)

Statements of Pride: (Talks on the ‘C’ themes)

* Consciousness: Rev. Jenenne Macklin
* Cleaning House: Taz Ultra Omni
* Clarity: Valerie Spencer
* Challenge: Ivan Daniel III

* Cutting the Ribbon to Pride, ATBLA Statement: Wendell Carmichael

* Announcements

The Home Team Reception:

Location: (Next Door at the Village Vegan Restaurant)

* 8:15p.m. - 11:00p.m.: Reception/ Refreshments, DJ, music, mix and mingle.

(ITMT will be hosting the official Black Pride OPENING RECEPTION on Thursday, July 2, 2009 at the Culver City Radisson Hotel)

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Few Thoughts On Michael Jackson...

For people around my age, Michael Jackson has always been. I've seen and heard the stories some true, some not so true about how he and his brothers came to Motown records but it was the music, dance, and fashion style they presented that hooked most of us in. Apple caps and fringed vests wouldn't have been what they were if it wasn't for them.

Although I listened to his and the Jackson 5/Jackson's music all my life my first big understanding of how popular they were came when they did their "Victory" tour at the Forum in my hometown of Inglewood, Ca.

People came from everywhere to see them. People of different ethnicities, social levels, celebrities. It was very exciting. The concert itself was amazing. The opened with the great song, "Can You Feel It"

The night took off from there. I don't remember anyone sitting during the entire show. Me and my friends were wired all the way home. We lived less than a mile from the Forum and walked home talking all the way. The night was warm and we sat in the park across the street from my house and did all the dance moves for a couple of hours.

When Michael officially went solo with the, "Off The Wall" album it was only a foretaste of what was to come. The jams from there were numerous. I loved the video for "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"

I wasn't ready for the "Thriller" album

I'm not sure if anybody was. I remember the first song I remember hearing from it was , "Beat It". Actually I might've heard another song before that but "Beat It" had such a profound impact it's the one that stands out.

I was with my friends, Aldo and Dean. We had a boombox and it came on the radio. The opening bass line began and we stopped whatever we were doing. No one said, "hey listen..." we all just instinctively stopped. We were quiet for the whole song and afterwards we were like, "what was that?" we wanted to call the radio station and have them play it again. They somehow got the message and we listened to the song continually for days on end. I at that point knew that music would not be the same. Not many people remember this but before Michael Jackson African American artists were not played on the burgeoning MTV cable station. He changed music forever with that album.

My other biggest memory of Michael Jackson was getting together at a friend's house to watch the debut of the "Thriller" video

Not everyone in the neighborhood had cable at that time. We all got together at Leon's house. We had food and a little bit of a party. There must have been about 20 of us there. Of course afterwards we all wanted to learn the dance.

It was an interesting time in my life at that point. Of course Michael went on to achieve more than I ever imagined even after instinctively knowing he changed music.

His personal issues sometimes were a bit much to take for someone who just wanted to remember when he made me listen and see music differently than I ever had before.

Thankfully we have those things to remember him by. I am prayerful for his family, especially his children because I know there are those who will seek to take advantage of this situation.

Peace, Michael Jackson...

Shaman's Breath-A Metaphysical Journey to the Sacred

East Bay Meditation Center
2147 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612

(near the 19th Street BART station)

This one-day retreat will provide participants with a foundation for understanding and working with cross-cultural shamanistic ritual tools that will assist in participants evolving their own personal transformations.

Please bring an item to place on the altar; you will collect it at the end of the day.

Namonyah Soipan

Namonyah Soipan, Ph.D. is a shamanistic psychologist who has for the past 25 years practiced African and Native American shamanic wisdom medicine, and has used her vast experience to hold sacred space for people on their healing path.

Registration is required.

Please click here to register. If that does not work, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

If you still cannot access the online registration link, please send an email with your full name, and "Shaman's Breath" in the subject line or call (510) 268-0696.
Cost: There is no registration fee for attending this event, nor most EBMC events. However, EBMC is not independently funded.

The center and the teachers will be sustained only by your voluntary donations (the practice of generous giving, or "dana"). Please donate generously, in proportion to your ability:

* Either online (you will be offered an opportunity at the end of the online registration process)

* Or at the event, where dana will be collected for the center and the teachers.

Thank you for your generosity. Giving together, our unique, diverse center will grow and thrive!

In order to protect the health of community members with environmental illness, please do not wear fragranced products (including "natural" fragrances) or clothes laundered in fragranced products to EBMC.

Wheelchair symbol
East Bay Meditation Center is wheelchair accessible.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In The Meantime Men's Group: The Magic of L.A. Black LGBT Pride Opening Reception

In The Meantime Men's Group, Inc.
Thursday, July 2, 2009

21st Annual Official ATBLA
Black LGBT Pride Opening Reception

Event Hosted and Sponsored by

Host Hotel: 6161 West Centinela Avenue
Culver City, California 90230
Thursday, July 2, 2009
7:00p.m.- 10:00p.m.


General Admission $5 per person
Table seating $20.00 (Based on space availability)

Attire: L A C h i c
For additional information, 323-733-4868

Entertainment by
The Chuck Johnson Jazz Band
The Girls of Illusion
Special Guest Appearances

In The Meantime is proud to participate in this years celebration.
Congratulations to ATBLA for representing LA for 21years and counting.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Films @Frameline 33

Greetings All,

A couple of my friends have films in this year's Frameline Film Festival. If you are in the bay area please come out and support.

Films: "Family"
Purchase Online


Wednesday, June 24, 9:30 PM
Victoria Theatre

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Friday, June 26, 12:30 PM
Castro Theatre

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USA, 2008, 111Minute Running Time
Bay Area Premiere
Genre/Subjects: Bisexual,Black/ African American, Coming Out, Drama,Lesbian,Parenting/ Family
Program: U.S.Features
Language: English

DIRECTOR: Faith Trimel

Closeted life can be pretty cramped, what, with all the hangers hitting your head. Not being able to live out in the open is sometimes a small price to pay compared to the fear of familial and professional backlash. But the price becomes too high for thirty something Felicia, as she finds herself coaxing her lesbian lover into a closet due to a surprise visit from her mom. Her relationship now in jeopardy, Felicia has a proposal for her similarly repressed group of sapphic friends: all six must come out within thirty days.

Of course, this is easier said than done. For cocky WNBA player Kemp, future endorsements are on the line.Sabrina, a meek churchgoer, must reconcile her beliefs with her desires. Tonya feels ongoing pressure from her fiancée, but can’t stand up to her pushy sister, and Melanie will do whatever it takes to regain custody of her daughter from a former girlfriend. The bravest of the bunch, Monifa, confesses her sexuality to her parents with hilarious results, but then finds herself swept up in an unexpected love affair. And Felicia, the catalyst for the pact, is too afraid to stick to her own plan.

Tackling relevant African American LGBT issues such as church values and coming out in Hollywood, writer-director Faith Trimel (Black Aura on an Angel,Frameline28) effectively transcends color lines with her powerful,relatable story of confronting your own truth. — ANGELIQUE SMITH
Text Voting Code: F118

Co presented by

NIA Collective


Official Film Website

Films:Mississippi Damned
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Thursday, June 25, 9:15 PM
Castro Theatre

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Mississippi Damned

watch Mississippi Damned trailer

Mississippi Damned

USA, 2009, 120Minute Running Time
West Coast Premiere
Genre/Subjects: Black/ African American, Butch/ Femme Issues, Drama,Drugs/ Addiction, Lesbian,Parenting/ Family, Violence
Program: U.S.Features
Language: English

DIRECTOR: Tina Mabry

Based on true events and spanning between 1986 and 1998,Mississippi Damned follows three young African Americans in the rural south as they suffer through the devastating cycles of poverty, addiction and abuse. Leigh is a bull dyke with an unhealthy,and long-lasting, obsession with her girlfriend. Sammy gives up his youth, innocence and body for a shot at his basketball dreams. Kari,the most promising of the three, has aspirations to attend New York University to further develop her musical talents, but fights to keep her head above water as her relatives and circumstances drag her down.

This captivating drama takes the viewer through his orher own internal conflict: you want the characters to catch a damn break already, but you almost don’t want to give them a chance to mess up another opportunity. Each well-written individual is raw and genuine, with hidden complexities and agendas, which is rare for an ensemble cast. Jossie Thacker’s Charlie is especially tragic and haunting, as a woman whose own dark past demands forgiveness for her inability to be a better mother.

Under writer-director TinaMabry’s delicate touch, no plot twists feel forced, even when coming out of left field. Yet, the most predictable of actions leaves you blindsided. With the intimacy of hand held camera work,Mississippi Damned is a film that is both compelling and heartbreaking. — ANGELIQUE SMITH
Text Voting Code: F109

Copresented by

Queer Women ofColor Media Arts Project and Womenof Color Resource Center

OfficialFilm Website

Jair-The Literary Masturbator™

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flashback Thursday-Feeling The 90's

Okay I know these songs are not music that is deep or long lasting but I sure did have fun shaking my ass to them. I hope everyone knows by now that the vocals are by the one and only Martha Wash.