Friday, November 4, 2011

The Politics of Homosexuality in Africa-A Talk by Dr. Sylvia Tamale

Monday, November 21
6:00-7:30 PM

The Politics of Homosexuality in Africa
A Talk by Dr. Sylvia Tamale

Berman Hall in the Fromm Building, University of San Francisco (Intersection of Golden Gate and Parker Avenues.) Campus map

Using homosexuality as a focus, Dr. Tamale will discuss how political and religious leaders in both Africa and the West instrumentalize sexuality to achieve their political ends, and provide an analysis of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

About the speaker: Dr. Sylvia Tamale is a renowned African feminist who holds law degrees from Makerere University and Harvard Law School and Ph.D. in Sociology and Feminist Studies from the University of Minnesota.  She is currently dean of the Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence at Makerere University in Uganda and author/editor of several books, including When Hens Begin To Crow: Gender And Parliamentary Politics In Uganda, Homosexuality: Perspectives from Uganda and the recently published groundbreaking volume, African Sexualities: A Reader. 
Co-Sponsors:  Global Fund for Women, Priority Africa Network and the University of San Francisco (including The President’s Advisory Board on the Status of Women, African Studies, Gender and Sexualities Studies, B.A. International Studies, and Sociology.

For more information on obtaining Dr. Tamale's books, contact
or visit Pambazuka Press

*** This event is free and open to the public. ***

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