Thursday, December 3, 2015

These People Complaining About “The Wiz” Seem To Have Forgotten That “The Wizard Of Oz” Exists (Via BuzzFeed)

As you might already know, The Wiz Live! is premiering on Dec. 3 and it’s probz going to be amazing.

It’s a live performance of the now-classic 1970s musical, which was famously made into a film starring Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Lena Horne, Richard Pryor, and many other incredible performers.

The musical, which was written to feature an all-black cast, is based loosely on The Wizard of Oz, which had its own screen adaptation.

Let the record show that The Wizard of Oz had an all-white cast.
Some people aren’t aware of the difference between the two, though, and seem ~confused~.

Still not getting it.


Maybe we should tell them that The Wiz and The Wizard of Oz are two different musicals.

And that there’s already been an all-white Wizard of Oz.

Because they really seem confused.

Not grasping the concept. Or the irony.

Sorry, everyone, but Glee did it first.

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