LET IT BE KNOWN: Berkeley Times is dedicating its August 11 edition to poetry. Call it the “Poetry Edition.” Thus, in the spirit of the wonderful diversity of Berkeley, poems of all sorts are welcome. Instructions for submissions are printed below.
Again, we are open to all sorts of poems from all sorts of poets (not just those who write in English), but please know that long poems (300 words and up) are not appropriate for this edition.
The theme is purposefully vague, but in addition to poems about Berkeley and those who make this community what it is, we’d love to see poems about opportunity and/or open spaces.
All submissions are due by Monday, July 11 at 11:59 p.m.
Instructions for submissions
For all submissions, please include the following information:
1. Name of the poet (first and last)
2. Neighborhood of residence
3. Phone number, email address
4. A sentence or two describing your accomplishments and connection to this community
Please submit entries as raw text in the body of an email, and send it to arts@berkeleyx.org (NO ATTACHMENTS, PLEASE). Note that highly formatted poems do not reproduce well in newsprint, so choose your poems accordingly.
Alternatively, one may submit typed poems via USPS to Berkeley Times, P.O. Box 559, Berkeley, CA 94701.
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