Thursday, February 19, 2009

Flashback Thursday-"The Family Edition"

I have been thinking about the woman who recently had 8 children and the controversy surrounding it. I come from a large family. I am the youngest of 10. I can't imagine my life any differently. It wasn't always easy for my mother with so many children but we made it and I had a great time growing up. I've had two siblings that have made transition and occasionally it feels like there is a hole because we are no longer technically, "Mom's Magnificent 10". Of course emotionally and spiritually we always will be...

When I hear people passing judgment and hear of death threats it really troubles me. I know people didn't always have the kindest things to say about my mother and having to occasionally use public assistance to raise us but like I said we were happy and I wouldn't trade the experiences I had for the world. I can't even imagine what it would have been like to be separated from my family.

My prayers are with her.

Anyway here are some entertaining large families from the music world...

The Sylvers...


The Jacksons...

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