Tuesday, March 13, 2012

He... (A poem by participating members of BeComing Settian the Poetry and Literary Writings of SGL Black Men on Facebook)

Occasionally I come up with a line for a poem that I think it's fierce but nothing comes after it. What I've been doing is sharing the line with other poets either in person, on twitter, and this time on facebook. I asked some brothers in a poetry group on facebook to add a line to create a thread poem. What you read here is the result. The first line is mine and each succeeding line is by a different contributor. I read this piece at an Open Mic called, "Culture Fuck" and it went over really well. I've titled the piece, "He...."

He felt like well worn jeans with frayed edges at the hem

His beautiful hands like warm words from a friend

His needs was tucked in his pocket when morning's thoughts floated by, about nine, maybe ten

Looked like guys in cobalt trunks muscling

Intertwined in each other's arms like David and his sling

He walked softly on the balls of his feet, making the earth sing

The vapor of his breath wafted like a cloud on the crisp cold air...

The faint scent of pomegranate lingered in his hair

And he smelt of rain, and of leaves, and of sweat, and of snow


Roger Williams
David Patton
Nigel Barto
Wallace Bass Boyd
Brandon Wallace
Ronnie Davis
Charles Gervin
Jair, The Literary Masturbator

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